API Reference


Main module to run the Gordon service.

The service expects a gordon.toml and/or a gordon-user.toml file for configuration in the current working directory, or in a provided root directory.

Any configuration defined in gordon-user.toml overwrites those in gordon.toml.


$ python gordon/main.py
$ python gordon/main.py -c /etc/default/
$ python gordon/main.py --config-root /etc/default/

Service configuration and logging setup.

Configuration defined in gordon-user.toml will overwrite gordon.toml.

Parameters:config_root (str) – Where configuration should load from, defaults to current working directory.
Returns:A dict for Gordon service configuration.


Core message routing logic for the plugins within Gordon Service.

Messages received on the success channel will be routed to the next designated plugin phase. For example, a message that has a consume phase will be routed to the installed enricher provider (or publisher provider if no enricher provider is installed).

If a message fails its next phase, its phase will be updated to drop and routed to the event consumer provider for cleanup.


The GordonRouter only supports the following two phase routes:

  1. consume -> enrich -> publish -> done
  2. consume -> publish -> done

Future releases may support more configurable phase routings.

class gordon.router.GordonRouter(phase_route, success_channel, error_channel, plugins, metrics)[source]

Route messages to the appropriate plugin destination.


error_channel is currently not used in this router, and may be removed entirely from all interface definitions.



Module for loading plugins distributed via third-party packages.

Plugin discovery is done via entry_points defined in a package’s setup.py, registered under 'gordon.plugins'. For example:

# setup.py
from setuptools import setup

    # snip
        'gordon.plugins': [
            'gcp.gpubsub = gordon_gcp.gpubsub:EventClient',
            'gcp.gce.a = gordon_gcp.gce.a:ReferenceSourceClient',
            'gcp.gce.b = gordon_gcp.gce.b:ReferenceSourceClient',
            'gcp.gdns = gordon_gcp.gdns:DNSProviderClient',
    # snip

Plugins are initialized with any config defined in gordon-user.toml and gordon.toml. See Configuring the Gordon Service for more details.

Once a plugin is found, the loader looks up its configuration via the same key defined in its entry point, e.g. gcp.gpubsub.

The value of the entry point (e.g. gordon_gcp.gpubsub:EventClient) must point to a class. The plugin class is instantiated with its config.

A plugin will not have access to another plugin’s configuration. For example, the gcp.gpusub will not have access to the configuration for gcp.gdns.

See Gordon’s Plugin System for details on how to write a plugin for Gordon.

gordon.plugins_loader.load_plugins(config, plugin_kwargs)[source]

Discover and instantiate plugins.

  • config (dict) – loaded configuration for the Gordon service.
  • plugin_kwargs (dict) – keyword arguments to give to plugins during instantiation.

list of names of plugins, list of instantiated plugin objects, and any errors encountered while loading/instantiating plugins. A tuple of three empty lists is returned if there are no plugins found or activated in gordon config.

Return type:

Tuple of 3 lists


interface gordon.interfaces.IEventMessage[source]

A discrete unit of work for Gordon to process.

Gordon expects plugins to return or accept objects that implement this interface in order to route them to other plugins, and handle retries or cleanup in case of errors.


Identifier for the event message instance.


Variable phase of the event message.

__init__(msg_id, data, history_log, phase=None)

Initialize an EventMessage.

  • msg_id (str) – Unique message identifier.
  • data (dict) – Data required to update DNS records.
  • history_log (list) – Log of actions performed on message.
  • phase (str) – Current phase.
append_to_history(entry, plugin_phase)

Append entry to the IEventMessage’s history_log.

  • entry (str) – Information to append to log.
  • plugin_phase (str) – Phase of plugin that created the log entry message.

Update the phase of a message to new phase.

Parameters:new_phase (str) – Phase to update the message to.
interface gordon.interfaces.IRunnable[source]

Extends: gordon.interfaces.IGenericPlugin

Runnable plugin to produce event messages for Gordon to process.

The plugin also has the ability to send gordon.interfaces EventMessage objects to both success and error channels. At least one runnable plugin is required to run Gordon.


Starting phase for event messages.

__init__(config, success_channel, error_channel, metrics, **kwargs)

Initialize a runnable plugin.

  • config (dict) – Plugin-specific configuration.
  • success_channel (asyncio.Queue) – A sink for successfully processed IEventMessages.
  • error_channel (asyncio.Queue) – A sink for IEventMessages that were not processed due to problems.
  • metrics (obj) – Optional obj used to emit metrics.

Begin consuming messages using the provided event loop.

interface gordon.interfaces.IMessageHandler[source]

Extends: gordon.interfaces.IGenericPlugin

Plugin which performs some operation on an event message.

The Gordon core router will use its phase_route to direct messages produced by any runnable plugins the appropriate message handling plugins, identified by their phase attribute. At least one message handling plugin is required to run Gordon.


Plugin phase

__init__(config, metrics, **kwargs)

Initialize a message handler.

  • config (dict) – Plugin-specific configuration.
  • metrics (obj) – Obj used to emit metrics.

Perform some operation on or triggered by an event message.

Parameters:event_message (IEventMessage) – Message on which to operate.
interface gordon.interfaces.IGenericPlugin[source]

Do not implement this interface directly.

Use gordon.interfaces.IRunnable, or gordon.interfaces.IMessageHandler instead.


Perform any actions required to gracefully shutdown plugin.

interface gordon.interfaces.IMetricRelay[source]

Manage Gordon metrics.

incr(metric_name, value=1, context=None, **kwargs)

Increase a metric by 1 or a given amount.

  • metric_name (str) – Identifier of the metric.
  • value (int) – (optional) Value with which to increase the metric.
  • context (dict) – (optional) Additional key-value pairs which further describe the metric, for example: {‘remote-host’: ‘’}
timer(metric_name, context=None, **kwargs)

Get a timer object which implements ITimer.

  • metric_name (str) – Identifier of the metric.
  • context (dict) – (optional) Additional key-value pairs which further describe the metric, for example: {‘unit’: ‘seconds’}
set(metric_name, value, context=None, **kwargs)

Set a metric to a given value.

  • metric_name (str) – Identifier of the metric.
  • value (number) – The value of the metric.
  • context (dict) – (optional) Additional key-value pairs which further describe the metric, for example: {‘app-version’: ‘1.5.3’}

Perform cleanup tasks related to metrics handling.