Gordon’s Plugin System

Module for loading plugins distributed via third-party packages.

Plugin discovery is done via entry_points defined in a package’s setup.py, registered under 'gordon.plugins'. For example:

# setup.py
from setuptools import setup

    # snip
        'gordon.plugins': [
            'gcp.gpubsub = gordon_gcp.gpubsub:EventClient',
            'gcp.gce.a = gordon_gcp.gce.a:ReferenceSourceClient',
            'gcp.gce.b = gordon_gcp.gce.b:ReferenceSourceClient',
            'gcp.gdns = gordon_gcp.gdns:DNSProviderClient',
    # snip

Plugins are initialized with any config defined in gordon-user.toml and gordon.toml. See Configuring the Gordon Service for more details.

Once a plugin is found, the loader looks up its configuration via the same key defined in its entry point, e.g. gcp.gpubsub.

The value of the entry point (e.g. gordon_gcp.gpubsub:EventClient) must point to a class. The plugin class is instantiated with its config.

A plugin will not have access to another plugin’s configuration. For example, the gcp.gpusub will not have access to the configuration for gcp.gdns.

See Gordon’s Plugin System for details on how to write a plugin for Gordon.

Writing a Plugin


Add documentation once interfaces are firmed up